
Cara Sanders (Chair)
Askii Environmental Inc.
Curve Lake First Nation, Ontario
Cara Sanders is a band member of the Curve Lake First Nation and has vast experience in environmental projects and Federal and Provincial environmental assessments (EA), responsibilities range from data collection to project management to report writing. Cara completed the Catalyst 20/20 program in 2016 and has since followed her dream to work with First Nation communities in Ontario. Cara presently has projects in motion with four communities and has proposal out with many more Nations. In the winter of 2018 Cara was awarded to CERRC bioheat projects which have grown to both having a sawmill and winter wood program. The synergy and employment opportunities for both the remotes was a perfect fit. As a First Nation woman Cara believes strongly in supporting the needs of other First Nations and in protecting our Mother Earth.
For the past many years, she has been working very hard to build relationships with communities in Ontario and to help them with things that they want and need relating to energy. The lessons learned and the people that were met in the 20/20 program have empowered her to be able to achieve the things that she has. But she believes this is only the beginning for her. She believes there is so much more to learn and share. Being asked to be a mentor and now a member of the Advisory committee is such an honour and a blessing. She is forever grateful for what she has learned and the path that she is on.