Meet the Project Stewards
Each community is represented by a Project Steward, who leads the development of an energy-efficiency housing project to bring healthy energy living to their members. Project Stewards are selected by their communities to take part in the training components of the program and lead the development of a community project plan.

Aaron-lee Odjick (he/him)
Kitigan-Zibi Anishinabeg
Aaron-lee Hendrik Odjick (Community name: “Ning”) is an Anishinabeg father and soon-to-be husband currently living in his home community: Kitigan-Zibi Anishinabeg, Quebec. He grew up spending a lot of time outdoors and on the water in his community and surrounding areas; he’s played a lot of hockey and loves gaming. Aaron/Ning has a background in administration and currently works in the private construction industry back home; he is very passionate about improving the quality of life for his community and fellow members. He hopes to do this through economic development and cultural revitalization, a big trend across the island.

AJ Esquega (he/him)
Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek – Gull Bay First Nation
Anthony ‘AJ’ Esquega is from Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek – Gull Bay First Nation (KZA-GBFN), an Ojibwe Community situated on the Western shores of Lake Nipigon and within the Robinson Superior Treaty area. AJ is an elected Councillor for his Nation as well as the Mashkawiziiwin energy projects coordinator: the official liaison between the Chief and Council, community members, industry, funders, collaborators and various levels of Government. He is the middleman working hard at bringing the voices, ideas, and resources into the centre of community energy planning. He has a passion for clean energy integration and strongly believes that technology and nature can have a balance that is sustainable and healthy if done right. He wants to bring to his home community the skills and framework for healthier and stronger homes in KZA-GBFN. AJ believes in empowering the Youth and the next level of community leaders and is currently a mentor in his community and in the 20/20 Catalyst Program. AJ is happily married to his wife, daughter and chocolate lab. AJ also enjoys fishing, hunting, hiking, and exploring the surrounding lands.

Andrea Proulx
Métis Capital Housing Corporation
Birth/Current Territory: Edmonton (amiskwaciy-wâskahikan – Beaver Hill House), Alberta, Treaty Six Territory, Métis Homeland Region Four, a traditional gathering place, travelling route and home for many Indigenous Peoples including the Nehiyawak/Cree, Tsuut’ina, Niitsitapi/Blackfoot, Métis, Nakota Sioux, Haudenosaunee/Iroquois, Dene Suliné, Anishinaabe/Ojibway/Saulteaux, and the Inuk/Inuit. (Edmonton and Area Land Trust, 2023).
Andrea’s skills are leadership, communication, adaptability, and diligence. She has been studying, training, and educating herself in her work’s health, safety, and environmental areas. Andrea is passionate about her community and helping people to have a better future. She works closely with the Métis Nation of Alberta’s Environment and Climate Change teams towards their collective climate change goals. She has been researching, joining team and community discussions, and listening to people’s concerns regarding housing, health, and wellness. Andrea hopes to help people struggling with climate change’s effects and make sure vulnerable people in her communities are having their voices heard by the right people for assistance. Housing people in homes that create a sacred space that is safe, robust, and as close to net zero as possible is her long-term goal with this training.

Calvin Waquan
Fort Chipewyan-Mikisew Cree
Calvin is a proud member of Treaty 8, Mikisew Cree First Nation (Fort Chipewyan). From 2017 to 2020, Calvin served as a councillor of the Mikisew Cree First Nation, where he contributed to building the environmental and economic capacity to create a path toward sovereignty. As a councillor, one of his accomplishments was a leadership role in securing funding for a new water treatment for his people.
Calvin has served as a Director of Mikisew Group of Companies and a Co-Chair for Mikisew Government-Industry Relations. In 2018, Calvin was active in the start-up and is the Founding President of Three Nations Energy (3NE) – a 100% owned indigenous partnership responsible for developing, owning, and operating a 2.43MW Fort Chipewyan Solar Farm.
Calvin was an early 20/20 Catalyst with Indigenous Clean Energy. He now serves on the ICE Advisory Council, hosts Power Hour webinars, and is a Coach and Mentor for various ICE programs. Calvin has recently joined the Indigenous off Diesel Initiative, Bringing It Home’s Project Accelerator program, and Greenplanet Energy Analytics as an advisor, technology analyst, and community educator. He continues to work with youth, elders, and the community in Fort Chipewyan and beyond on a wide range of social, cultural, environmental, and climate initiatives.

Cara Sanders (she/her)
Kasabonika Lake First Nation
Cara Sanders is an Anishinaabe Qwe from Curve Lake First Nation, and is the founder of Askii Environmental Inc., the Chair of the Indigenous Clean Energy (ICE) Board of Directors and a 2016 Catalyst. In 2016, Cara embarked on her clean energy journey and started her own business: Askii Environmental Inc. and joined the 20/20 Catalysts Program. Since that time, Cara has worked with many Nations guiding them to reduce their carbon footprint. NRCan and IESO have been huge supporters of the Nations, allowing Askii to assist them with their Community Energy Plans, hiring Community Energy Champions, installing a 300 kW wood chip boiler with the CERRC program and solar with the Indigenous Energy Project. In addition, developing skills on their boiler projects with the Indigenous Forest Initiative and Education and Capacity Building. Cara has created community buy-in through the capacity-building and training of Indigenous Youth (under 30) in the communities. For Indigenous Youth in remote communities, employment opportunities are often limited, so this project is a great fit. For Cara, the most rewarding experience is how the involvement in their communities’ clean energy projects has contributed to the Youth’s personal and professional growth. “I have loved helping them learn and seeing them take pride in the projects.” As Cara reflects on her career, she recognizes that everything that she has achieved was fueled by her own courage and the support of her family, friends, and network. Cara encourages Indigenous Youth to learn about different opportunities, explore different pathways, and reach out for support. She says, “The biggest thing that you have to learn is that there is help out there. You just have to ask, and things can happen.”

Chantelle Kechego (she/her)
Chippewas of the Thames First Nation
Chantelle Kechego is from the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation. Chantelle was hired in October 2022 as the Community Energy Coordinator for Chippewas of the Thames First Nation. Since she started, Chantelle has taken on training through Blue House Energy. Being new to the energy sector, Chantelle looks forward to gaining more knowledge and to being able to implement her learnings in her community and Nation for future generations.

Desiree Maurice
Lac La Ronge Indian Band
Raised in Pinehouse Lake, Saskatchewan, in the Northern Métis-Northern Region 3, Desiree Maurice was shaped by her ancestors’ teachings and the deep-rooted wisdom of her grandparents. Growing up on the land, she learned resilience and purpose from the natural world—a calling that connects her to generations of Indigenous People. For Desiree, the land isn’t just a place; it’s an identity, a memory, and a promise to return, no matter where life leads her.
As a young Indigenous woman, she often felt like an outsider in a world that didn’t always feel welcoming. She likens her journey to being adrift in a lake, struggling to empty a canoe with holes as water flooded in. Watching others paddle confidently past, she felt alone, lost, and afraid of being overtaken by the weight of her challenges. But eventually, she paused. She stopped fighting the water just long enough to look up, and in that moment, a new journey began—a journey of self-discovery. She asked herself: Who is she when she stops fighting, when she asks for help?
Asking for support led her to community, to calmness, and to strength. Over time, she not only steadied her canoe but transformed it into something solid and enduring.
Today, Desiree’s work in clean energy isn’t just a career—it’s a calling. With each project, she brings sustainable, culturally rooted solutions to her community, aiming to empower others with the tools for resilience and independence. Her passion lies in inspiring youth, equipping them to carry the torch forward, and nurturing their sense of belonging in both tradition and innovation.
Desiree’s purpose is clear: to return to that lake with a strong canoe and reach out to those still struggling, helping them find balance and build their own paths forward. Through her work, she’s not just creating energy solutions; she’s creating communities where each person knows they belong and can thrive—anchored in culture, empowered by resilience, and driven by the promise of a sustainable future

Devon Felker
West Point First Nation
I’m Devon Felker, born and raised in Hay River NWT, known as the hub of the North and the home of my people from West Point First Nation. We are a part of a fishing community. Although I do not eat fish, I do fish a lot and do water monitoring for my band when I can. My skills so far consist of working on completing my high-school education I’m great at problem solving and making decisions I don’t currently have many skills that relate to my job aside from being well connected with contractors and having a great relationship with my community members. When I started working for my community, I got exposed to the energy-saving side of life by helping AEA put on a winterization program in our community as well as helped me understand how to save energy in a home before I was ever the housing coordinator and ever since that day in 2019 I’ve been very interested in saving money for our members by helping them understand what utilities they are using too much of it and how to save energy in their homes with simple things more recently I’ve done woodstove installs in our members’ homes who wanted them to help cut heating costs and have a bigger renewable impact in our community I’m super excited to learn everything the program has to offer, and I’m so happy to be considered.

Ehsan Haghi (he/him)
Musqueam Indian Band
Ehsan Haghi is an engineer specializing in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Currently serving as the Community Energy Specialist at the Musqueam Indian Band, Ehsan works closely with the Housing and Public Works Departments to lead energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy, and other decarbonization initiatives within the community. In this role, he has successfully managed projects aimed at raising energy awareness and implementing upgrades to building envelopes and mechanical systems in Musqueam homes and public buildings. Ehsan was born in Iran and currently lives in Vancouver on the unceded traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. Ehsan is passionate about working on community-led projects that aim to improve the standard of living and promote sustainability in Indigenous communities.

Flora Elluk (she/her)
Heiltsuk Nation
Born, raised, & and still residing in Heiltsuk Territory. Flora possesses a remarkable set of skills and expertise that have made her a standout candidate for her current role in project management. With a solid background in finance administration, Flora brings a keen eye for detail, impeccable organizational skills, and a deep understanding of budgeting and resource allocation to her projects. Her ability to meticulously track expenses and manage the financial aspects of a project is unparalleled. Furthermore, Flora’s experience in finance administration has honed her analytical mindset, enabling her to identify potential roadblocks and devise effective solutions in a project management context. Her transition to project management seamlessly leverages her financial acumen, creating a dynamic skill set that ensures successful project execution. Flora’s heartfelt commitment to addressing the housing crisis, particularly within her community, fills her with enthusiasm and a deep sense of honour as she joins the Project Accelerator Program.

Grant Sullivan
Delta Enterprises
Mr. Sullivan has expertise and experience in project management, finance and community liaison, and has a Bachelor of Management Degree (Finance). He has been active in several Gwich’in organizations as a Gwich’in beneficiary where he gained extensive experience and knowledge of the business community, arctic logistics and Indigenous governments in the Beaufort-Delta region. This experience includes Gwich’in Settlement Corporation, Chair (responsible for 140 million in assets); participation in Gwich’in/Imperial Oil access and benefits negotiations regarding the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline; and lead business representative and board representative on the Nihtat Gwich’in Development Board. From 2012 to April 2019, he was also Executive Director of Gwich’in Council International (GCI). Mr. Sullivan has considerable experience with exploring and implementing northern energy solutions. This includes the following work undertaken for Gwich’in Council International (GCI), Nihtat Corporation (Nihtat) and Nihtat Energy Ltd (NEL):
• True Cost of Diesel Studies (GCI): Directed and led work undertaken for the Fossil Fuel Power Generation Cost Analysis in Northern Communities study (2016) which assessed the cost of fossil fuels used to provide power to select off-grid northern communities in Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut; as well as the study to assess off-grid fossil fuel uses in the Beaufort-Delta Region looking at electricity, heating and transportation uses (Beaufort Delta Off-Grid Fossil Fuel Cost Study (2017-18)). The study was undertaken with technical support provided by InterGroup.
• Biomass Feasibility and Supply Chain Feasibility studies (Nihtat): Directed and led studies to assess the feasibility of installing biomass boilers in government buildings in Inuvik and other Beaufort Delta communities. This work supported Nihtat’s successful application in 2018 for CERRC Bioheat funding for the installation biomass boilers in up to six GNWT buildings in Inuvik. CERRC funding also supported a study focused on consideration of supply capacity enhancements to reduce costs for Beaufort Delta biomass heating installation through possible Inuvik biomass storage to enable enhanced truck transport; possible use of Mackenzie Delta barge shipment with enhanced biomass storage and possible wood pellet plant development opportunities in Yukon; and Beaufort Delta wood-based biomass opportunities. The study was undertaken with technical support provided by PROLOG and InterGroup.
• Pellet Mill Feasibility study in Yukon and Beaufort Delta Region (NEL): Mr. Sullivan was coordinator and lead for a study funded by Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) Northern REACHE program to: assess the potential reduction in wood pellet costs for the NWT and Yukon by assessing the business case and feasibility of developing a wood pellet supply in Yukon; prioritize working with Indigenous partners in Yukon and NWT.

Holly Johnson (she/her)
Haida Gwaii, BC
Holly is employed by the Skidegate Band Council on Haida Gwaii as a Climate Action Coordinator. Holly focuses on planning and coordinating energy and climate activities and deliverables associated with capacity-building, clean energy, demand-side management, and community engagement. She is very enthusiastic about learning about new renewable technologies and is passionate about energy and doing her part to preserve the environment for future generations. During her spare time, Holly is out exploring the beautiful environment on Haida Gwaii and loves photography.

Jaleece Buffalo-Nepoose (she/her)
Adams Lake Indian Band
Jaleece Buffalo-Nepoose is a member of Samson Cree Nation from Maskwacis, Alberta, and has been living in British Columbia since the age of 9. Currently residing in the vibrant community of Adams Lake Indian Band, Jaleece brings strong administrative skills, trust-building abilities, and cultural awareness to her work. She is passionate about fostering unity within her community and ensuring its well-being. With a deep commitment to cultural preservation and community support, Jaleece strives to make a positive impact through her work and dedication to her people’s values.

Jamie Pond(she/her)
Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation
Jamie Pond, Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation, BMgmt from TRU, experienced in infrastructure project management including Band Buildings and Housing, passion and focus is energy efficiency, climate action and clean energy.

Jamie Brant
Mohawks of the Bay of Qunite
She:kon Sewakwe:kon,
Jamie is a member of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte residing in the Shannonville area of southern Ontario. Jamie was very fortunate growing up to have moved around as a child, growing up mainly in the United States, he was able to explore different areas and cultures before moving back home as an adult. Starting out helping with an on reserve energy efficiency program, Jamie was able to navigate his way into the energy sector and acquire his Certification as an Energy Advisor. Working with low-income programs, over the last five years, Jamie now brings his passion of home energy efficiency to his band as the Community Energy Champion. He is excited about this upcoming opportunity to take part in the Project Accelerator Program and create more energy efficient homes in his community. Working in the residential sector for so long, Jamie’s initial reason for accepting his current position was to help find opportunities to upgrade band member owned housing. He believes that it is important to create awareness of well insulated, efficient homes and provide pathways for homeowners to create comfortable homes while also making living costs more affordable.

Jana Sasakamoose (she/her)
Ahtahkahkoop Cree Nation
Jana is a mother of five and stepmom to two. She is completing her Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies with concentrations in Mathematics and Statistics, Geographics and Social Justice at the University of Regina.
Jana is the first-ever First Nations woman accepted into the Math and Stats Graduate program. She has been breaking down barriers as an Indigenous mother through her entire education journey, and careers.
Hailing from Ahtahkahkoop First Nation, she has vowed to use her education and ambition to ensure her kids never face the same hardships. Despite all she has gone through, she always finds a way to give back – whether it is volunteering or paying it forward to others by donating each time she receives a scholarship. She plans to uplift her community and break the cycles of trauma to create a better future for all Indigenous Peoples. Her thesis involves the ratio of food and utility expenses over household income in First Nations communities and compares this number with the provincial and federal average. She is 29 years old and is currently in three different clean energy programs to solve some of the issues found in her research: the ImaGENation program – which includes a solar-powered greenhouse in her First Nations Community; the Project Accelerator program – retrofits on houses to make them more energy efficient for the elderly, families and the sick; and the Student Energy Fellowship to learn more about clean energy projects around the world.
She is currently on Maternity Leave from her position at the Indigenous Peoples Health Research Centre as an Indigenous Engagement & Research Specialist. She completed her Bachelor of Administration Degree at the First Nations University of Canada along with three other certificates and business diplomas.

Kaitlyn Robinson (she/her)
Nisga’a Lisims Government
Kaitlyn Robinson (she/her) comes from the Nisga’a community of Gitlaxt’aamiks and works as the Climate Action Coordinator for Nisga’a Lisims Government (NLG). Kaitlyn has an administrative professional background, specifically within the Capital, Housing, & Facilities Operations directorate at NLG. Many of the skills she gained working in the directorate have been extremely valuable as she takes on more responsibility as the Climate Action Coordinator where she is a key advocate for energy and climate action on Nisga’a lands. This new role has opened many opportunities for learning and aligns with her personal goals for growth. Kaitlyn loves to spend time with family, participate in outdoor activities, reconnect with her culture through community events, and learn more about traditional ways of life, including how to prepare traditional foods. Growing up, Kaitlyn learned about the Nisga’a Ayuukhl (the cultural Nisga’a Law), which provides a foundational identity for respect and working together. She carries these customs with her in all aspects of her life, especially in the work she does with her Nation.

Ken Keller
Muskowekwan First Nation
Ken Keller is a family-oriented man who was born, raised and resides on Muskowekwan First Nation in Saskatchewan on Treaty 4 territory. Ken enjoys hunting, fishing and enjoying the outdoors with his family and friends. Over the years, he has worked in many roles including maintenance with the bands housing department, as an emergency responder, and most recently in the food sustainability program. This new role has led him to be more forward thinking regarding his community’s ability to provide garden produce, orchard fruits, and the soon to be established bison farm. He is excited to learn about clean energy and build partnerships that will provide for a healthier, more efficient community.

Korey Kauffeldt (he/him)
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation
Korey Kauffeldt is a skilled and knowledgeable professional with expertise in community energy coordination. With a background in Energy Services Engineering Technology, Korey has a deep understanding of energy efficiency principles, renewable energy systems, and sustainable building practices. Their strong project management skills, technical knowledge of energy systems, and proficiency in energy efficiency measures make them an asset in designing and implementing effective energy projects. Korey’s ability to analyze data, collaborate with stakeholders, and communicate complex concepts in a clear and concise manner allows them to engage with community members and drive sustainable energy initiatives successfully. Their passion for sustainability and commitment to promoting energy efficiency make Korey an impactful advocate for creating a greener and more sustainable future.

Loren Muth
Tzeachten First Nation
Loren Muth was born in Sto:lo territory and currently lives and works in the territory for Tzeachten First Nation. He works as a band councillor and has worked to push forward environmental initiatives such as food security, clean energy, environmental stewardship and most recently salmon habitat restoration.

Mercedes Sandy (she/her)
Beausoleil First Nation
Mercedes Sandy is a member of Beausoleil First Nation and she currently works within her home community as the Housing Assistant. In April 2023, Mercedes obtained her certificate in Home Inspection from Algonquin College. Mercedes’ is passionate about advocating for safe & healthy homes for members of her community. She is excited to be participating in the Project Accelerator Program to work alongside other Indigenous professionals from across Canada to develop innovative energy-efficient housing projects within our nations. This is a great opportunity for participants to work with mentors in the field to gain project management, communication, leadership skills, adaptability, and confidence when developing their own projects in their communities.

Montana Kyle
Pinaymootang First Nation
Kyle Stagg, also known as Montana, was born on April 8, 1998, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and is a proud registered member of the Pinaymootang First Nation. Throughout his life, he has been deeply involved in his community, excelling both academically and physically during his younger years while also playing hockey.
After obtaining his Heavy Equipment Operating License at the age of 17, Montana began working in roles that required operating heavy machinery, demonstrating his strong work ethic and physical capabilities. He transitioned into the construction sector, learning carpentry skills from his father, a seasoned residential carpenter with over 20 years of experience. His dedication and ability to absorb knowledge quickly led him to become a supervisor and foreman in a short period, highlighting his leadership skills and mastery of the trade in compliance with The National Building Code of Canada (2015).
In his current role as the First Nations Housing Manager, Montana has utilized his strong mathematical skills to enhance the efficiency of operations within the housing department. As an analytical thinker, he seeks innovative approaches to running a more effective business model while also striving to develop a more cost-effective housing solution for his community. His combination of construction knowledge, management experience, and analytical capabilities positions him as an asset in improving housing services for the Pinaymootang First Nation.

Odessa Turner
Temagami First Nation
Odessa is a proud member of Temagami First Nation, with her birth territory in North Bay, Ontario. She currently lives in Toronto, where she is completing her certification as an energy advisor. Odessa is passionate about supporting Indigenous communities, including her own, in adopting sustainable energy solutions. Through her training, she has developed expertise in energy auditing, building performance analysis, and recommending energy-efficient improvements that reduce both energy consumption and environmental impact. Odessa is dedicated to using her skills to create lasting, positive change in Indigenous communities by promoting energy efficiency and supporting sustainable practices for a greener future!

Olive Williams (she/her)
Nunatukavut Community Council
Olive Williams is from the territory of Labrador in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. She is a member of the Nunatukavut Community Council (NCC), they are the southern Labrador Inuit.
Olive was born in a small, coastal, remote community of Cartwright. She currently lives in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, which is part of her birth territory. She worked in Business and Finance Management with both profit and non-profit organizations for several years. She even tried to leave her territory to work as an accountant with the OFIFC in Toronto. Even though it was nice to visit, she didn’t like working downtown but thought OFIFC was great.
After a few attempts at applying for jobs with NCC, in 2019, she finally landed one (don’t ever stop trying) as a Project Officer for the Home Repair Program, and she has not looked back since. Olive became interested in renewable energy as some of the communities are diesel-dependent. Reducing the carbon footprint for generations to come and ensuring a cleaner, greener environment for her people is essential to her.
Housing is of keen interest to Olive. She grew up in the 1970s in a community where only the middle class and elite had running water and a good heat supply. Her family was not part of any of those groups, they were like many other native families, but they were happy and a close single-parent family of nine kids, of which she is the youngest.

Richard Nerysoo (he/him)
Fort McPherson
Richard has served in leadership roles for over 40 years. He presently serves the the community energy leader of Fort McPherson and as the President of Dinjii Zhih Solutions. He has most recently served as the Mayor of the Hamlet of Fort McPherson. Richard held various leadership roles in the NWT. Was a Member of the NWT Legislative Assembly for 16 years, where he served as Government Leader (Premier), held various cabinet portfolios, Speaker and chair or co-chaired standing and special committees. He served as the President of the Gwich’in Tribal Council, Chief and President of Nihtat Gwich’in Council. Richard served on development corporations and was a businessman. Richard served on national councils, committees and boards. He was a founding member of the Aboriginal Pipeline Group and Gwich’in Council International. He is married to Trina and has 8 children along with 7 grandchildren.

Samuel Marty
Frog Lake First Nation
Samuel Marty is a First Nations youth born and raised in Treaty 6, Alberta. Samuel, an up and coming leader within his Nation, strives to change the social norms and break through the challenges that affect his community. He uses his grassroot knowledge from his Mentors in his ceremony family, along with the capacity built from youth programs within ICE to make that very change possible. Samuel has been able to showcase this knowledge and the capacity he built to lead the way to energy efficiency in his Nation.
With the acceptance into Project Accelerator, Samuel intends on using the knowledge and resources gained towards housing the Elders in energy efficient homes. Inspiring and sharing the knowledge to surrounding communities.

Timmothy Lezard
Penticton Indian Band
Born in Penticton, British Columbia in the land of the nsyilxcen speaking people, Tim has done a two-year diploma in Sustainable Building Technology at the Okanagan College Penticton campus and he has been on band council since 2004. His current portfolio for the band is Lands, Natural Resources and Environment with a secondary portfolio of Housing, Capital Projects and Public Works. Tim has noticed the membership of the Penticton Band have had high power bills and he would like to use the education and influence that he has acquired to benefit the people. He would also like the band to be sovereign and energy would be a part of this path.
Indigenous Communities Represented

Kitigan-Zibi Anishinabeg
Kiashke Zaaging Anishinabek - Gull Bay First Nation
Fort Chipewyan - Mikisew Cree First Nation
Kasabonika Lake First Nation
Chippewas of the Thames First Nation
Musqueam Indian Band
Heiltsuk Nation
Haida Gwaii
Kwikwasut'inuxw Haxwa'mis First Nation
Ahtahkahkoop Cree Nation
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation
Beausoleil First Nation
Nunatukavut Community Council
Fort McPherson
Adams Lake Indian Band
Delta Enterprises
Frog Lake First Nation
Lac La Ronge Indian Band
Edmonton (amiskwaciy-wâskahikan - Beaver Hill House), Alberta, Treaty Six Territory, Métis Homeland Region Four
Mohawks of the Bay of Qunite
Muskowekwan First Nation
Nisga’a Lisims Government
Penticton Indian Band
Pinaymootang First Nation
Six Nations of the Grand River
Temagami First Nation
Taykwa Tagamou Nation
Tzeachten First Nation
West Point First Nation