
Patrick Flood
North Shore Mi’kmaq Tribal Council
Fredericton, NB
Patrick was first connected to ICE following his time living and working in remote diesel-reliant communities. Keen to support the Indigenous Off Diesel Initiative, Patrick connected with the ICE team and supported projects behind the scenes on a part-time basis for about 6 months.
Supported by his learnings with ICE and his time living in remote communities – Patrick began working with the North Shore Mi’kmaq Tribal Council in April 2024. Here, he leads community outreach programming that is STEM and energy focused, supports the deployment of their annual Atlantic Indigenous Led Energy Symposium, and is leading a research study to understand how to increase Indigenous business participation in the nuclear supply chain, particularly ASMRs.
Patrick is honoured and excited to be a part of ICE’s advisory council and stay connected to the great work they’re taking on.