
Ed Genova
NB Power Corporation
Metepenagiag First Nation, New Brunswick
Ed is a Mi’kmaq from Metepenagiag First Nation. Ed graduated from the University of New Brunswick and worked in the education sector for 10 years before entering the Energy Industry. He is now a Strategic Advisor with NB Power and has worked in the energy sector for 18 years.
Ed became one of the first 20/20 Catalysts for Clean Energy in Canada with Indigenous Clean Energy (ICE) in 2016. Today, he sits on the Indigenous Clean Energy (ICE) Advisory Council and is a Mentor for his fellow Catalysts.
Ed and his First Nations Affairs team work closely with the First Nations in NB. Working to improve relationships, strategize resolutions to legacy issues, promoting employment opportunities and career development. The First Nations Affairs team provides guidance, support and facilitation to both internal employees and First Nations.
This experience has given Ed the opportunity to work with many Indigenous organizations, Government departments, other utilities, funding agencies and Indigenous people in various areas of the workforce.
The team is very passionate about capacity building, internally as well as externally. The First Nations Team has created Cultural Awareness/Sensitivity programs for employees and continues to work towards becoming leaders in Indigenous Inclusion and Corporate/Indigenous partnerships. Looking at 2025, the team is excited to work on a Pathway to Healing in support of Reconciliation.