ICE Resources

ICE offers a range of services and supports to program participants and eligible individuals that have not yet been accepted into ICE programs.
The intention is to provide opportunities for capacity building and wrap-around support to advance Indigenous participation and leadership in clean energy.
Where do I start?
We recommend starting with a look around this website to get a sense of the work that ICE does and can offer to support your work in advancing Indigenous leadership in clean energy. In the sections that follow, you can see what resources are currently available and the eligibility for each.
Who is eligible for ICE Resources?
ICE Resources have a range of eligibility requirements. Some resources, such as the ICE Network, ICE Orientations, and Technical Service Grants are free and require no previous engagement with ICE programs.
Other opportunities are designed to support the needs of existing ICE program participants beyond the resources available in the specific program that they are a part of, such as the Energy Education Kit program.
Current Offerings

The ICE Network
What it is: an online networking platform for people involved in advancing Indigenous clean energy leadership, projects, and initiatives for a just energy transition. You will find ICE Power Hour sessions, clean energy news, engaging forums for finding and sharing resources and questions, a calendar of clean energy events, and a place to share and find opportunities in clean energy projects, initiatives, and organizations.
Eligibility: The ICE Network is free for all users, and anybody is welcome to join.
Impacts: With more than 1500 members from coast to coast, the ICE Network is the hub of Indigenous clean energy teams and collaborators.

ICE Orientations
What it is: ICE Orientations aim to help match your community or project needs with ICE’s programs and offerings. These are free personalized introductions to what ICE can offer to support the advancement of Indigenous leadership and clean energy for your community.
Eligibility: Any Indigenous community, entrepreneur, or energy champion is invited to reach out to ICE Resources by emailing to set up a time to meet and discuss ICE programs and offerings.
Impacts: Meeting with a member of the ICE team will help guide you to the programs and resources that will be the most relevant and impactful for your community energy planning and projects.

ICE Technical Service Grants
What it is: a grant valued at up to $7,000 to be received in the form of technical services to advance a project or build the clean energy capacity of an Indigenous community/individual. These services are delivered by trusted providers that work with ICE through program delivery, mentorship, and technical services.
Eligibility: Any ICE program participant, past or present, and any Indigenous person working on a clean energy project benefitting an Indigenous community.
Impacts: Eligible grantees will receive funding to address specific needs relating to a clean energy project, initiative, or skill development. Past services delivered include funding application support, peer review of project plans or studies, renewable energy pre-feasibility, training costs for Registered Energy Audit courses, and community energy planning mentorship.
How to Apply: Applications will open soon!

Clean Energy Funding Opportunities List
What it is: a list of funding opportunities for clean energy projects and initiatives offered by external organizations and agencies that the ICE team has assembled for Indigenous clean energy champions to search as they seek project funding.
Eligibility: determined by each individual funder, and is not governed by ICE.
Impacts: the ICE team has gathered the data on funding opportunities to support the efficiency of clean energy teams and the advancement of projects.
How to Apply:Each funding opportunity will describe the application process.
*ICE is not affiliated with any of the funding providers and has no role in the selection or granting of funds offered by external organizations.

ICE Energy Education Kits
What it is: a rental program that sends a crate of energy education tools, activities and experiments that will support community energy education and engagement for Indigenous communities working on a Community Energy Plan. Rentals last for eight weeks once delivered, and the only cost to participants is shipping.
Eligibility: Any ICE program participant—past or present—is eligible.
Impacts: Participants can take advantage of the energy education tools, supplies, and activities that are covered in ICE programs, and benefit from these during community engagement without the cost and time investment of compiling all of the equipment and materials.
How to Apply: Reserve an ICE Energy Education Kit online.