
Sioban Slade
NunatuKavut, NL
Siobhan Slade is NunkatuKvummiuk from St. Lewis (Fox Harbour), NunatuKavut territory in Labrador. She is a single mother to a beautiful little boy and by trade she is a heavy-duty equipment technician. She is presently working with NunatuKavut community council in collaboration with Nunacor as the NATURE (NunatuKavut Action Team in Understanding Renewable Energy.) Youth Council Coordinator, which is a program designed to engage youth with renewable energy and stress the importance it has to the communities we live in. She has also worked with researchers from the University of Dalhousie and Waterloo to develop renewable energy plans for three off-grid communities on the coast of Labrador and presently working on plans for six more off-grid communities, along with a food sustainability project for my community. Siobhan is beyond excited to start this incentive and be able to help her community by being leader in renewable energy for her territory.