Kathleen Woodman
Woodstock First Nation, NB
Kathleen (Kat) Woodman is a Wulustukw of the Woodstock Reserve in New Brunswick. She is a mother of five and grandmother of 10. Kat graduated from Saint Thomas University with Distinction in 1995 with her Bachelors in Social Work. She has also been very active in the First Nations world of Native women (former President and BOD), Gignoo House (clinical placement and employed), Native Friendship Centre (former President and BOD), and worked as a social worker at Kingsclear First Nation for 11 years. She also has experience working with all levels of government and the private sector when advocating for First Nations issues and/or policies.
Kat is currently working as a Policy Advisor for her home community of Woodstock First Nation. She is the driving force behind Wisokolamson Energy through the LORESS process. It has become her mission to shift her community away from fossil fuel dependency towards cleaner, more renewable sources of energy and power.