
Jamie Evic
Pangnirtung, NU
Jamie Evic is the Senior Administrative Officer for the Municipality of Pangnirtung. He grew up in Pangnirtung, Nunavut and lived most of his days in Pangnirtung. He has 4 beautiful daughters (Sophie, Caitlin, Jasmine and Myra), and he looks after my nephew (Ruben), that are in full support of him with his job. He has a busy schedule with work and family, and trying to find a balance between the two is a challenge sometimes.
He started his career with the Municipality of Pangnirtung in 2009 as an Interim Finance officer and worked his way up to the top of the ladder. Over this period, he has seen many different kinds of projects within the Municipality but not a lot of off-diesel programs. Since he became SAO with the Municipality, he wanted to make changes and wanted to explore more solar or anything that is not using diesel. The COVID lockdown prevented him to explore more into this project, but he managed to get one done. They successfully installed 10 solar panels in their recreation facility (Ice hockey rink) back in 2020. They are now exploring with the consultant to install more solar panels in that facility this summer.
With this off-diesel program, He is looking forward to having more ideas about what he can do to get off-diesel and about what other communities are doing. This will open more opportunities within his community that are already starting the Comprehensive Community Planning, and this will be part of the planning. The CCP will be community-driven and a great opportunity to form a small committee with this IODP. Jamie says he has so many ideas, and he wants to reach out to the public and have their voice heard at the political level.
Since he became Senior Administrative Officer, he wanted to see more projects that are community-driven, not all by Hamlet staff or the councillors, he wants to see more public input that will be used by officials (Hamlet) to make short and long-term plans.