
Grace Nakimayak
Hamlet of Paulatuk, NT
Grace Nakimayak is the clean energy coordinator for the Paulatuk Energy Working Group. She started in this role in October 2021 to carry out the clean energy ambitions of the working group, which includes community leaders from the Hamlet of Paulatuk, Hunters and Trappers Committee, Elders Committee and Paulatuk Community Corporation. Grace is a proud Inuvialuit woman, born in Yellowknife and grew up living in various places across country including NWT, BC, and Ontario. She moved back home to Paulatuk in 2016, which is a fly-in-only community on the coast of the Arctic Ocean. Grace is passionate about helping her community reduce their cost of living as well as improve the quality of life, developing economic opportunities and implementing initiatives to reduce fossil fuel consumption. In her free time, she loves getting out on the land, hunting, camping and fishing.