
Dana Tizya-Tramm
Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, YT
Dana Tizya-Tramm was born and raised in the Yukon Territory, and is a proud member of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation. From a young age, Dana showed strengths in communications and team building which has served him well in the youth societies and initiatives that he has both started, and helped to develop. Bridging Indigenous ways of knowing with western best practices, Dana continues to “break trail” for the coming generations, and now in his position on council with his self-governing First Nation, he is working through projects like his small rural communities solar energy project. This project will be the largest in the Canadian Arctic and is just the beginning as his people continue to live with their environment, now through new technologies. The 20/20 Catalysts Program offers Dana the opportunity to gain insight and experience to better serve his community, Nation, and the world at large.