
Andy Pirti
Andy Pirti currently resides in the Montreal area but was born and raised in a small town called Akulivik, situated in northern Quebec, on the coast of Hudson’s Bay.
In 1995, he went to Cegep Marie-Victorin, where he took the social science program. For 10 years he had done odd jobs here and there, including working at Avataq Cultural Institute for several years. In 2005, he began working at Makivik’s construction division as an accounts payable clerk, while taking business administration courses at Vanier College during the evenings. By 2007, he became Makivik’s investment accountant, responsible for investment portfolio transaction accounting entries.
Andy worked in the position for four years until he became the advisor to the treasurer in 2011, and he remained there until the treasurer’s term ended. Makivik’s executives are regionally elected, and when the incumbent decided not to run another term, with encouragement from friends and family, he ran and got elected as treasurer, serving 2 terms over 6 years. During this time, he was responsible for overseeing the investment portfolio of the corporation as well as the subsidiary companies. During his time as the treasurer, the corporation’s equity grew by over 100 million.