
Michael Marty
Frog Lake First Nation
Frog Lake, AB
Michael is a twenty two year old, dad, fiance, big brother, oscapious, and clean energy manager of Frog Lake. He grew up in Frog lake from age 9 – 17 and participated in numerous recreational activities for the nation, graduated from C.N.C.S in 2019, worked for the nation on numerous jobs growing up including; a summer employment student and supervisor, and take lots of focus on learning culture/ceremony from the elders of the nation to teach to the next generations of Frog Lakers. Michael left to college at age 17 where he studied Natural resource technology at portage college in Lac La Biche for two years, after college Michael settled down with his children and girlfriend, moved to Cold Lake to be closer to family an culture and took a year off to focus on his mental health and learning the culture from our elders on the nation. After this year off, Michael actually was packing up to go work on a oil field camp job, when he stopped what he was doing and left the first day of work at camp and went home to Frog Lake. During this time he met up with Cliffton at a culture camp where he told him about a job opportunity in the nation he thinks Michael would be good at. He took the leap of faith and got the job as a clean energy coordinator for Frog Lake in the year; 2022. This opportunity really changed Michael’s life and gave him the chance to represent Frog Lake in the newly growing clean energy industry. As the two years progressed he got the opportunity to be apart of; community engagements on the nation, environmental feasibilities, important project meetings, capacity building programs and that eventually led him to ICE; Indigenous Clean Energy and the 20/20 catalysts program. Which gave Michael the chance to learn about clean energy on the national scale, this program helped him travel all around Canada in 2023 including places like; Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, and Vancouver. He got to learn so much about Clean Energy that he gets to use in his every day work, he also got a chance to showcase Frog Lake at the National Indigenous Clean Energy forum in Vancouver where he presented on Frog lakes Clean Energy projects. This program not only changed his life but it also introduced him to whole knew network of programs available to be applied for. Michael eventually applied for Generation Power which is a program that pays for 75% of an employees wages, this program helped Michael be able to continue working well into 2024. At the start of the year he introduced this program to two Frog Lake members; Samuel and Ayden. Which led to the clean energy team expanding and Michael taking on a new role as Frog Lakes Clean Energy Manager. He has been working numerous Clean Energy projects on the nation and slowly expanding to economic development projects for the nation, he is very excited to continue working for his nation and start passing down his role to the next generations of Frog Lake Clean Energy workers.