
Sara Fralin
Aboriginal Housing Management Association
Snuneymuxw First Nation, also known as Nanaimo, BC
Sara Fralin is a 4th generation Canadian living on the unceded territory of the Snuneymuxw First Nation. Sara’s Jewish ancestors escaped the Pogroms of Russia and arrived in Canada in 1923 as refugee immigrants.
Sara earned a Master’s in Sustainability Studies from Trent University and two Bachelor’s degrees in Political Science and Environment Studies from the University of Victoria.
Sara manages Engagement and Technical Services in the Asset Strategies department at the Aboriginal Housing Management Association (AHMA). AHMA is an umbrella organization of 56 Indigenous housing and service providers. She provides resources that empower members to steward their housing assets.
Sara brings expertise in energy conservation, energy retrofits, electrification, decarbonization, nonprofit housing, and fundraising to her role on the ICE advisory committee. She has over six years of experience working in the Indigenous housing sector.
Sara loves “jumping up and down in muddy puddles” with her young son.