Cecile Ross
Taykwa Tagamou Nation
Cecile S. Ross is from the Taykwa Tagamou Nation (TTN) within the Muskegowuk Territory of North Eastern Ontario. She graduated from Canadore College with 3yr Advanced Diploma in Business Administration with the Human Resource Management program, class of 2011. Cecile is a proud mother of four and a grandmother to her Jaban Gemma.
Cecile has been working for her Nation since graduation in various roles, she began her career as an Employment & Training Coordinator working for her people to become employable with training programs opportunities and advocating for employment opportunities at the Detour Lake Gold Mine, situated in her territory. Cecile has worked in the TTN Finance department, roles such as Human Resource Coordinator, Payroll Administrator, Accounts Payable where she was able to apply her educational knowledge and skills.
Cecile later pursed a contract with another TTN project, as a Project Liaison Officer, duration of 2 yrs, construction phase of Yellow Falls hydroelectric development project, which is a 16Mw hydroelectric generating facility. Once she completed her contract as Project Liaison she saw an opportunity that was new and she was encouraged to apply, which was, Community Energy Liaison, this role is funded and supported by the Independent Electricity System Operators (IESO). Upon completing the one year training in energy renewables, she pursed the IESOs, Community Energy Champion role which is for three years. She was able to receive various on-line energy module training, CEC training, she was asked to be guest speaker various times/locations, she’s hosted workshops for other CECs and developed various working relationship during the times she attended conferences.
She loves the work that she does for her community, for her children and for her granddaughter. She wants to be able to be an example to them and give back to the community. As TTN Community Climate & Energy Manager she takes pride in the work she has done in the community and looks forward to continuing to represent/support them with their energy needs.